WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW?: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Variation 18 ;D (And do I ever need it!)
LAST WORD YOU SAID?: "Stupid!" I was really mad at the person who graded my school work. They're stupid. The project is stupid and unclear, and they downgrade me for it. *stabs it, and them*
HOW DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW?: Pretty shaken up, a little mad, a little sad, but I've calmed down, and the music's helping a lot.
YOU SINGLE?: Indeed.
WHO IS WITH YOU RIGHT NOW: I'm home alone. Oh no! I told you that! *gasp!*
LAST THING YOU ATE?: Breakfast cereal.... Multi-grain Cheerios, Raisin Bran, 2% milk, too much of all of it.
New Zealand's good, too. Or Prague.
WHERE WOULD YOU GET MARRIED?: Notice that I'm editing these things, because I'm just like that. No offense to whomever wrote this, but I cannot abide the misuse of "at". Anyhow, um, North Carolina, on the beach. That sounds good.
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?: My friends; people saying nice things to me; things going well; LOTR; books in general; music, for the most part.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR?: Blue. Always has been, always will be.
WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?: Brace yourself, the list is long.... Spiders; cockroaches; heights, somewhat, although I love flying in planes; I hate caves, too; I'm slightly afraid of the dark; anything else?
DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR CONTACTS?: Nope. I have perfect vision. Mwahaha!
HAIR COLOUR?: Reddish-brown over all hues. It's true, but if you don't get that, it's this weird little phrase I derive amusement from. So.... chestnutty. I love it.
EYE COLOUR?: Hazel, and when I'm on the computer, they get really green! I'm obsessed with the green bits of my eyes and the red tints of my hair. I admit it.
WHAT CAREER DO YOU WANT?: I'm tempted not to answer that... I just had a run-in with my Career Planning class, which is what I was mad about. But I think I will. In which case.... author, linguist, philologist (isn't that a great word?), maybe a language teacher.
WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF 10 YRS DOWN THE LINE?: I might be married, I might not be..... No kids yet.... With some sort of a good job, and a few published works....
HAVE YOU EVER...........
LOVED SOMEBODY SO MUCH IT MADE YOU CRY?: No. This question is on all of these things. Have I sen this one before? This is suspisciuosly like on of the million of annoying e-mail thingies I've filled out...... I probably will someday, though, to return to topic.
DRANK ALCOHOL: A couple of sips of wine. That's all. Mostly for communion in churches where they have real wine. It's kind of good, and kind of weird. It's like fire going down your throat. It seriously sets your whole body on fire. That's either normal, due to the fact that I'm not used to it, or else I have no alcohol tolerance.
SMOKED?: No, thank goodness! I despise cigarettes! *stabs them*
TAKEN DRUGS?: Indeed not!
BROKEN THE LAW?: Um..... I don't wear my seat belt all the time.... Wow,
that's scary. I'm such a criminal! I'm always tempted to yell "Fire!" in a public place, but I don't want to get arrested.....
BROKEN A BONE?: My foot. Wanna see? It's got a bigger lump of bone there now!
CHEATED ON TEST?: Nope. Well, once I accidentally saw someone else's answer, so I changed mine, even though it was the correct answer and I would have put it anyway. And I even felt bad about that. You probably think I'm sickeningly good.
SKINNY DIPPED?: Um.... when I was rather younger than I am now, in a private pool, I think.....
PLAYED TRUTH OR DARE?: A couple of times, although I'm not very enthusiastic about the game, and most dares I simply refuse to do.....
CHEATED ON SOMEONE?: Considering I've never had a boyfriend, is that possible?
MOONED SOMEONE?: Not that I know of.... at least not on purpose, certainly.
KISSED SOMEONE YOU DIDN'T KNOW?: Relatives I didn't know very well, I'm sure.
BEEN IN A PHYSICAL FIGHT?: If you count play-wrestling and fencing, yes. Otherwise, no.
RIDDEN IN A POLICE CAR?: Have I? Have I? I don't think so....
BEEN ON A PLANE?: Yes. I love it. I feel sorry for everyone who hasn't. Actually, I find it kind of weird that this question would be on here. Hasn't everyone? That's just me, though, probably. Since I've flown in excess of twenty times...... And I'm only fourteen.
BEEN CLOSE TO DYING?: I think the closest I ever got was when I had pnuemonia, and that's not even all that dangerous. Well, maybe when I had the flu really, really, really, really bad. That's probably it. In a way I wish I had been closer... I don't know why. It sounds like it would be interesting... And interesting to tell people. Although now that I write that that seems kind of sick.....
BEEN IN A HOT TUB?: What, like a jacuzzi thing? Three or four times....
OF ABORTION?: Terribible. Why would you murder your own child? How can it be legal?
ABOUT COUNTRY MUSIC?: I dislike almost all of it. I can't think of any I like, but as usual, I'm leaving myself an escape clause.....
OF SOAP OPERAS: Junk. Absolute junk. Like my friend Lee once said.... "Maria! Por que?" I mean.... They're incredibly stupid.
YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM?: Heh... Let's see... Do I have one? My hat from my old school, maybe... The necklace I always wear.....
WORST SONG YOU EVER HEARD?: Probably the Marilyn Manson song I was once forced to listen to..... *mutter* Now
that was scarring.....
BEST SONG YOU EVER HEARD?: Lots. Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, especially Variation 18, The New World Symphony, especially Movement 2, lots of other classical music, especially Holst's The Planets, especially Venus from said Planets.... Tons of songs from the LOTR soundtracks, especially Samwise the Brave, Into the West, The Grey Havens, and The Return of the King..... Oh, you meant rock an' all that? Well, I'm not going to start listing.... I'm not sure I could say there's a best song I ever heard in that category, but "Calling You" by Blue October's pretty spiff....
THE STUPIDEST THING YOU'VE EVER DONE?: I probably blocked the memory.
WHAT'S YOUR BEDROOM LIKE?: Very messy. Books all over the floor, so that you can hardly walk. I love it that way.
DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL?: Let me count.... Current tally, eight.
ARE YOU A GOOD DRIVER?: I'm okay, even though I've only ever steered illegally on highways... I'm passable with a golf cart....
DO YOU LIKE SPORTS?: No. I'm horrible at them, so I hate them. And I've had all sorts of bad experiences that I won't go into..... I like all of the martial stuff, though.... Archery, fencing, riding, tae kwon do.....
DEEP SLEEPER?: Pretty much. Sometimes I am, and sometimes I'm not. It's really weird. I sleep through things that are really loud, but sometimes I wake up just because I heard the tiny little whir my spiffyful CD makes to turn on in order to play whatever I have set to play and wake me up......
LIKE PICNICS?: I haven't been on many, but they're okay.
LIKE SCHOOL?: Sometimes. It depends. I used to.....
LIKE SHOPPING?: No. I loathe it. Book shopping doesn't count.... That's books. Completely different. I love that, obviously.
LIKE TO PARTY: Sometimes, if I'm in the mood, and I'm friends with the people and stuf like that.....
HAVE ANYTHING PIERCED?: No. Not even my ears.
WOULD YOU EAT A LIVE HAMSTER FOR A MILLION BUCKS?: No! I adore hamsters.... Poor innocent little hamster.... That's hamster abuse!
WHERE WOULD YOU GO IF YOU HAD A FREE TICKET?: Scotland! Or Prague, or else I'd go to see ROTK again... Scotland would be best, though.
WHICH PERSON WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU?: The Rivendellers/Townspeople. If I didn't take Mip, I think she'd do more than just hack me.... Blood does torture people in her basement, right?
WHO SENT THIS SURVEY TO YOU?: Elentari, o' course. Although I wouldn't quite call it sending, but......
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS PERSON?: Well, I haven't been here so long, I don't know anyone really well, but I would say she's spiff.
ARE YOU AN ALCOHOLIC?: No. How could I be? See "Have you ever had alcohol?" above....
WHAT WOULD YOU NAME YOUR FIRST CHILD?: Lots of ideas. Peregrin sounds good.